So far I love the month of March! Those last days of February were truly February-ish - all cold and white and gloomified. But with March came the sun! And sixty to seventy degree temperatures! It makes me happy. Being outside with the boys and inhaling that subtle scent in the air (slight, earthy, promises of budding trees) gets me in that flower-planting frame of mind, which it definitely isn't time for yet. But, all the same, I want to drive to the nearest store, buy new gardening gloves, and pretty up my depressed yard. I truly hope that in Heaven, in one facet or another, we'll still get the essence of the joy the whole winter to spring change brings...or maybe it'll just feel like that all the time, since Heaven is our eternal spring...maybe we'll always feel like jumping around and digging our toes into gold-dusty dirt....
And I found a fun, silly link through all of the quadrillion pregnancy emails I'm getting...Look Who's Prego! Since I'm getting rounder and rounder by the millisecond, I figured I'd give everyone else a chance to see how they'd look if they were pregnant, too....go on. You know you want to try it.
Lastly...this is a bit belated, but everyone should go check out Heather's fun question on her blog...she poses an interesting literary challenge. And I can totally agree with her pick!
Happy Monday, everyone!
All I Want for Christmas - a DV poem
5 years ago
Happy March, Christie! I'm getting a bit tired of the roundness, myself, but since this is my sixth time through this, I guess it's understandable. Just three months to go!
Happy Monday Christie! Sooooo - I've been trying to call you this morning because I had a close encounter of the GG kind. Big time. I'm still giddy and it happened last night. Hope you can call me sometime today so I can spout all of my excitement out so I can maybe get some work done today. Doesn't that sound fun? ;)
Anyway, hope everything is going well!
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